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Jude Sutton 

FEDANT National Register No. 12765
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Jude brings to Neo her own empathy as a parent and step parent too, and a professional knowledge of pregnancy and birth and beyond.  Jude has a genuine empowering approach honed through working with various healthcare providers who work at the forefront of helping bring new babies into the world.  She specializes in working with expectant parents and parents of new born children.  She is currently on maternity leave, returning in Spring 2018.




“I passionately believe that birth matters, that it is not just a means to an end and that the support a woman has before, during and after is not a luxury.  Pregnancy and birth impact families in profound ways, and positive experiences can provide new babies with strong foundations upon which a healthy and happy life unfolds and strong family bonds are created.



I firmly believe that however different a pregnancy or birth experience is from the one that was expected or hoped for, those experiences can still be positive if parents receive sensitive support and trusted practical information to confidently navigate the journey.  However, finding your way in the dark, on your own, through this journey, with a world of conflicting advice and helpful and unhelpful stories, makes for unecessary worry at a time that should be amazing and exciting.


Sadly in our society we often find this birth and parenthood journey rather complicated and daunting, because often we grow up know very little about it. The last birth most of us ever were present at, or saw with our own eyes, or felt with our own emotions, was our OWN! The last time we have been around babies is often when an older relative or friend or a parent had one and that was ages ago- right?!  Modern cultures also mean that family often live far away.  In such a 'modern' world we have lost the earth-shakingly indespensible value of experienced, friendly, 'mother figures' and we have missed the vital life lessons of having birth and babies around us, growing with us as we grow.  It’s times like these that you want to connect with all that, which is probably why we reach out for support and why you have reached us here.  I was a child and a parent-to-be of this 'modern world' too.


I was frustrated and disappointed that the antenatal education I received didn’t match up to my needs as a mum-to-be, that it didn't properly prepare me for the reality of birth or give me a balanced and full view of the options available to me in birth and beyond in those early days and weeks.  The social and support network benefits that I gained however were worth every penny.

I also found it frustrating that a lot of education available tends to offer their approach to birth in silo of other just as valid approaches, which forces parents-to-be have to make hard choices with birth prep, when what they actually need is to experience different approaches to go onto make the best decisions for their baby's birth. 


Admitting that my expectations were somewhat way off reality and I had had a relatively uncomplicated birth too, looking back I realised that my husband and I weren’t informed enough to make and take a lot of decisions about our new family during and after birth, and that maybe if we had had the opportunity to experience other approaches we/I would have birthed our daughter differently.  When we came home I realized just how much I and we weren’t prepared for and what a learning curve we were on.  That said we found our own way at our own speed.  Fast forward a few years and I have equally realized what a difference it would have made if we had received more  thorough, realistic, and pragmatic information from the off and how much confidence we would have gained as new parents from knowing all our options and fall back options in a less 'this is the best way' style.  And so I was truly inspired to help others achieve better births and early parenthood experiences.






I passionately believe that having confidence navigating birth can help parents achieve a very personal and positive experience.  I also believe the powerful impact on self-confidence that knowledge of how to take the best care of your baby (a baby that you will have carried and nurtured and brought into the world) in those first precious hours, days and weeks, for new parents is absolutely incredible.  Healthy, happy babies and strong family bonds are built on knowing what to do with the baby when it is in your arms as much as when it makes its way into the world.


It is a true blessing to watch your love, passion and confidence get reflected in the smile of your own baby for years to come.   I will be there every step of the way to help you find YOUR right way through the maze of options and decisions.  Yes, correct, I have no agenda (except helping you find all the information you think you need to make a truly informed choice).  I'm a bit of a knowledge junkie but I hate information to be just boring information, and I have expanded my knowledge passion into some of the more 'hippy' alternative labour and post birth comfort measures such as rebozo and relaxation techniques too.  

I have supported women and their partners through preparation for various different births in different settings and they are my absolute go to learning resources.  It never ceases to amaze me how much each 'new' parent can help me and others about to become parents learn and feel.


​I look forward to helping you feel excited about your upcoming birth or parenthood, soothe away anxieties you may have and provide support through an amazing time of your life.  I am excited to help you understand, adapt to and embrace the wonderful connections between your body, your emotions, your child and your family, through realistic, practical, informed birthing experiences and beyond. 


Other than babies and birth, I love 'fun-fridays' with my daughter, absolutely any excuse to get outdoorsy, spending time with our 3 dogs and my horse which is my major life passion, and getting proper R+R, quality time together, oh and plenty of wine(!) on family holidays.


My classes are fun, honest, realistic, pragmatic and packed full of non-judgemental support to help you along the way on one of life’s biggest journeys.  A journey I adore being part of.  I look forward to hopefully being part of yours.




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