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One off workshops


Preparing you for supporting the birth journey ahead through informed choice and balanced, realistic and pragmatic education. These workshops aim to provide an overview of the key elements of the birth journey and key skills for successful and positive early parenting™.


These courses are ideal for parents-to-be who do not have the time for a longer course,

or who find attending a course in the evening prohibitive, or perhaps time has just crept

up on them and they don’t have time to attend a longer course before baby is planning to

arrive.  It is also ideal for partners who just find the thought of attending a sequential 

perinatal education course unattractive but still want to support their partner. These

workshops promise to be useFUL and painLESS!


Our Bump To Baby And Beyond, Bump To Baby and Babe In Arms courses are all available

as one off short courses but please bare in mind the full content value of these courses

has been significantly abridged to squeeze them into one off workshops.  We are unable to involve expert led sessions on infant feeding, baby massage, pregnancy yoga and mindfulness, and beauty treatments in one day workshops simply because time doesn’t allow.  If these are important to you, you might prefer our Bump To Baby And Beyond, Bump To Baby, or Babe In Arms full courses where these sessions are included as standard.


The workshop will be very informal and relaxed.  You will receive an information pack containing material to take away with you, light refreshments will be available throughout the day but please bring something for yourself for lunch.


It is recommended that you aim to complete the workshop about 3 weeks before your baby is due.


Course duration:

Bump To Baby And Beyond : 7 hrs

Bump To Baby : 5 hrs

Babe In Arms : 4 hrs

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