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Bump To Baby And Beyondâ„¢ Course


Preparing you for the journey ahead through informed choice and balanced, realistic and pragmatic education. This course aims to support you through late pregnancy, the birth journeyand the first precious days, weeks and month with your new familyâ„¢



Bump To Babyâ„¢ Course


Preparing you for the journey ahead through informed choice and balanced, realistic and pragmatic education. This course aims to support you through the final chapter of your pregnancy and the birth journeyâ„¢..

Babe In Armsâ„¢ Course


Preparing you for early parenting through informed choice and

balanced, realistic and pragmatic education. This course aims

to support you through those first precious days, weeks and



Rebozo Treatments


A session of rebozo is ideal for any pregnant woman if you are simply wanting to support your body better during pregnancy, overdue and getting frustrated with back ache or frustrated waiting for baby to arrive, or if you want to encourage baby into optimal position, or as an additional mindfulness tool that you can use up to and during birth. Also ideal after birth, to encourage the pelvic bones to close back to their normal locations and the body as a whole to restore- physically and spiritually. Closing the bones is a deeply emotionally rewarding experience that also helps prevent long term pelvic instability.



Fathers 2Bâ„¢ Course


Preparing you for supporting the birth journey ahead through informed choice and balanced, realistic and pragmatic education. This course aims to provide fathers and birth partners with skills and confidence that truly support and add value to the birth experience and early parentingâ„¢.



One Off Workshops


Ideal for parents-to-be who don't have the time for a longer course, or who find attending a course in the evening prohibitive, or perhaps time has just crept up on them and they don’t have time to attend a longer course before baby is planning to arrive. Also ideal for partners who just find the thought of attending a perinatal education course unattractive but still want to support their partnerâ„¢.



Wrap Ritualz


Whether you are pregnant or not, have recently had a baby or not, luxury body wraps are well known for stress relieving, detoxing the body, stimulation and increasing circulation, restoring balance and healing, often considered more relaxing and restoring than a massage alone.  Our wraps are also a popular signature addition to our closing the bones ceremonies™.



Baby Massage Course


We are currently developing our own baby massage bolt on courses. Watch this space !


Private Classes


Dedicated 1:1 support to prepare you for the journey ahead through informed choice and balanced, realistic and pragmatic education. These private courses aim to support you through late pregnancy, the birth journey and the first precious days, weeks and month with your new familyâ„¢.



Working Lunch Courses


Ideal for parents-to-be who don't have the time for a longer course, or who find attending a course in the evening prohibitive, or perhaps time has just crept up on them and they don’t have time to attend a longer course before baby is planning to arrive. Also ideal for partners who just find the thought of attending a perinatal education course unattractive but still want to support their partnerâ„¢.



Baby First Aid Course


We are currently developing our own baby first aid bolt on courses. Watch this space !



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